Hunting Small Game with the GOAT-15 .22 Long Rifle

Hunting Small Game with the GOAT-15 .22 Long Rifle

Jul 18th 2024

Hunting small game is a cherished tradition for many outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner, small game hunting offers a perfect balance of challenge and accessibility. It typically involves pursuing animals like squirrels, rabbits, and other small mammals, which can provide a rewarding experience while honing your skills for larger game hunts. One of the best tools for this endeavor is the GOAT-15 .22 long rifle, a versatile and reliable specialized firearm that can elevate your hunting experience.

What is Small Game Hunting?

Small game hunting refers to the pursuit of small mammals and birds, usually for sport or food. Common targets include:

  • Squirrels: Known for their agility and keen senses, hunting squirrels requires patience and precision.
  • Rabbits: These fast and elusive creatures demand quick reflexes and accuracy.
  • Hares: Larger than rabbits, hares present a slightly bigger target but are just as challenging.
  • Groundhogs: These burrowing animals provide a good test of a hunter's marksmanship.

Small game hunting is a great way to get into the sport of hunting because it requires less equipment and offers ample opportunities to practice shooting skills. It's also an excellent way to learn about animal behavior and improve tracking abilities.

Introducing the GOAT-15 .22 Long Rifle

The GOAT-15 .22 long rifle is designed to be the ultimate companion for small game hunting. Here’s why it stands out:

1. Precision and Accuracy

The GOAT-15 is known for its exceptional accuracy. Its design includes a precision-engineered barrel allowing hunters to make precise shots even at long distances. This is crucial when targeting small, fast-moving animals.

2. Lightweight and Maneuverable

Weighing in at just under 3 pounds, the GOAT-15 is an incredibly lightweight gun, making it easy to carry on long hunts. Its compact design allows for quick maneuverability in dense woods or brush, where small game is often found.

3. Low Recoil

The .22 caliber ammunition used by the GOAT-15 generates minimal recoil, making it easier to maintain accuracy over multiple shots. This is particularly beneficial for younger or less experienced hunters who might struggle with heavier firearms.

4. Cost-Effective

Ammunition for the .22 long rifle is generally affordable, making it a cost-effective choice for frequent hunting trips. This allows hunters to practice more and improve their skills without breaking the bank.

5. Versatile and Reliable

The GOAT-15 22LR is built to withstand the elements, ensuring reliable performance in various weather conditions. Its versatility makes it suitable for different types of small game and hunting environments.

Tips for Small Game Hunting with the GOAT-15

1. Scout Your Hunting Grounds

Before heading out, spend some time scouting your chosen hunting area. Look for signs of small game activity, such as droppings, tracks, and feeding areas.

2. Use the Right Ammunition

The GOAT-15 .22 long rifle can handle various types of .22 caliber ammunition. For small game hunting, consider using hollow point or segmented rounds, which expand upon impact and increase the chances of a quick, humane kill.

3. Practice Stealth and Patience

Small game animals are highly alert and can sense danger from a distance. Move quietly and slowly, and position yourself downwind to avoid being detected by your scent.

4. Aim for Vital Areas

For a humane kill, aim for the head or heart-lung area. The precision of the GOAT-15 makes it easier to hit these small target zones, ensuring a quick and ethical harvest.

5. Stay Safe and Follow Regulations

Always prioritize safety by wearing appropriate gear, including eye and ear protection. Familiarize yourself with local hunting regulations and seasons to ensure a legal and ethical hunt.


The GOAT-15 .22 long rifle is a top choice for small game hunting, offering precision, lightweight design, and reliability. Whether you're stalking squirrels in the forest or tracking rabbits in open fields, this firearm is equipped to help you succeed. Embrace the tradition of small game hunting with confidence, knowing you have the perfect companion by your side. Happy hunting!